Keith B

By keibr

Warmth - spring bursts into action

Just a couple of days ago it was still winter, and then suddenly spring arrived. Friday was the first day but due to my adventures in the roof space I didn't really notice it.
However, today, Saturday, there was no doubt. I took this image of our main house and the cottage sitting with my back to the red house, dressed in nothing warmer than a t-shirt, drinking tea and reading. Small birds swished by, fighting or courting. There was lots of birdsong. The snowdrops are out. Later on a short walk we found coltsfoot flowers or as they are called in Swedish, Tussilago, from the Latin name, and we saw newly arrived blackbirds. Canada geese and swans gather in the small pools of water, surrounded by the ice that still mostly covers the lakes. A neighbour had been splitting and stacking wood, which will quickly dry in this spring air and be burned next winter.
As you can imagine there were a lot of photographs taken and it was hard to choose just one. You can see a few of the runner-ups on my flickr photostream, including the snowdrops, photographed from below, which was the strongest contender.
Some things I can't photograph - I watched an eagle circling up in a thermal; gliding around in long circles, seemingly slow but rapidly gaining height until it was just a black dot far above. The eagles are heading north and they follow the coast. This was a perfect day for them. The thermals form a short way inland and carry them high into the sky with no effort. The wind was from the south so even in the rising air they are going the right way. Once they get to the top of the thermal they can glide huge distances but often they just glide a short way before finding the next thermal and in this way they travel far, climb - glide - climb - glide. All done with hardly a flap and while keeping an eye out for potential food down on the ground.
So, suddenly it is spring. The wildlife, birds and plants have decided!

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