
By Appreciate

Brilliant day

Woke to this view at the parentals. Such raw beauty. No tiring of this view. We are so spoilt.
Managed to shop and catch the 1015 ferry in time to get to church. Unpacked and got organised before heading off to an afternoon of bliss in the community garden. Dug out the last or owners last years crop. Weeded, riddled and dug in 2 bags of organic manure. Planted some Duke of York and Mayan gold tatties plus a couple of rows of onions. Pushed in some hoop stakes and planted sweet peas at their bases. Plenty space left. I also have an indoor bed in the poly tunnel. Need to plan that now - might go exotic!!! Also managed to attend the Brownie Daffodil Tea which was packed. Love this community!
So satisfied with my day - and weekend really.

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