Have a a Heart and Other Stories

This was the normal bit of the day , if you can call stopping the whole running group just because you need your photo taking outside The Brownlee Arms normal .

The rest of the day has been as hard and heavy as I thought it may be. Mum's heart surgery went as planned and have been to see her in ICU in Cheahire. They woke her and extubated her when I was there.

I had forgotten what it was like to witness the vulnerability of a parent . It did take me back to when Dad was ill so long ago and so was doubly emotive . Obviously the outcome for Mum will be different and she should be home in a week . There'a a whole boat load of other emotional memories about ICU that have been raised today and it's been heavy going. The massive thing is that it has really made me think through some difficult emotions about family life and there have been some epiphany moments.

In the short term it's just remarkable that she is recovering well and as planned . She did rather groggily ask me why she had no pain, I told her that was not a viable complaint!

People have been so kind and caring and the nurses have been amazing as have friends.

I sadly have also seen a very dark side to someone today who has been heartless and mean about my Mum and I have had to hold it together and not show them any sign of them affecting me.

I haven't cried so much in years but mainly in relief . Today has been a big day for Mum and she will be much better soon.

I have learnt much about human nature today.

If you are with someone you love right now, be sure to tell them . We need more positive affirmations in this life Xxx

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