Strike that. Reverse it!


Too nice to be working!

The weekend passed in a flash. Best nights sleep I've had in such a long time. I really didn't want to wake this morning. Waking with that slow realisation that it is Monday :0( How did Monday get here so quickly? I want my weekend back. So I grouchily got out of bed and looked out the window. Frost! Come on, its a work day, its early and the last thing I want to be doing is scraping the ice off the car! Someone is really taking the mick today ........

Two coffees later and normal Gem reappeared :0) well as normal as I ever am!

Its been a very productive day. Spent half the day in the office, then a quick nip to the supermarket and blip of this gorgeous Heath Common on my way home. Why did the sun come out whilst I was in work and wearing the winteriest (is that a word) clothes I could find? Wish it would decide to either be spring or winter.

That just about sums up my day. Have a feeling this week is going to be a good one, just need to get to bed a little earlier to keep grouch at bay. Hope you've had an good day xxx

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