Moments that Matter

By amie

Kings of Leon, Bellahouston Park, Glasgow

Kings of Leon playing at Bellahouston Park, Glasgow for the Summer Sessions. The Courteeners supported. We made it for 'Not 19 Forever' which was suitable for H and J turning 20 in July and August. Kings of Leon was a brilliant night with a brilliant bunch, can't even express how good the night was. Just so much love and laughter in the air. We just cuddled, laughed and took pictures throughout the gig. We reminisced and could only remember screaming out to 'Sex on Fire' and 'Closer.'
It was a little drizzly with rain but cleared up and we dried up with all the body heat.
We paid money to hug in a field for a few hours - best night of 2013.
J, H, D, J, L and me headed to Firewater after for drinks and partied away. Sat talking to Jen most of the night before heading back to Hels for a wee gathering.

First class memory!

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