In My World

By JoanneInOz


The autumn weather has become more true to what is expected in the sub-tropics this week. Early morning mist greets me when I go outside to feed the birds their breakfast and the rainfall has increased slightly. I think I can hear the earth heaving a sigh of relief.....

Heavy mist lingered for some time today and I discovered the joys of taking photos of drenched birds and raindrops dripping from petals and leaves, with the eerie mist swirling in the background.

Through a process of elimination of the fifty-something photos I took, I have decided to show you the party eaten Grevillea tree. The birds love nibbling on the nectar filled flowers, so here you can see two extremes ~ the remains of old flowers, along with new growth, which will entice the birds to keep coming back.

And then of course, there's the mist in the background, giving every one of my photos a surreal, romantic air. I'm a happy blipper......

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