
By Wendywoo2

Day 1

Last night our eggs arrived at school waiting to be hatched. So this is day 1 of our chick journey at school.

The last few days have been pretty good and I am
Slowly but surely making it to the end of term. Just 8 more get ups to go!

Things are work have been really busy as usual and troublesome. Not with chn but with some staff! In fact it's the members of staff that are here for the shortest length of time in the school - can u guess who they are? Just driving me a little mad and distracting me from the real reason I am here and that's the children! But hopefully will get it resolved at some point this week or next!

MA is coming along - it's started at least and I no longer have that blank page looking back at me! Thank goodness! Thank you for all your comments and support over the last few days - I seem to always be saying thank you on here but your kind comments and words have been gratefully received.

Happy Tuesday everyone!

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