CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Still learning - Yellow Rose

It is a pretty dull, damp day so have spent some time taking macro shots, experimenting with f stops and so on. This is one of the roses we were given by cute Katie's Mum and Dad at the weekend. It reminds me of a real life experience which has imprinted itself in my memory forever. I was about 9 and in the Lifeboys (older readers may remember them, part of the Boys Brigade) and we were putting on a show. This required me to dress up in a bright yellow dress as everyone sang 'The Yellow Rose of Texas' (older readers again .....) and I was mortified.

The night before I couldn't sleep and was determined not to go through with it but the next evening I was lovingly dragged to the Show and somehow managed to walk across the stage. Ah, the things they do to little boys in the name of entertainment - nowadays you could probably sue someone.

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