Dawn's Early Light

I had forgotten how worthwhile it is to get out on the bike at first light of a morning after the spring equinox.
With little traffic on the roads and only a few seagulls for company, I cycled across the Meadows to deliver a birthday card to a friend before she had time to remember it was her birthday.

There is a touch of magic in having the beginnings of a new day to savour on one's own.
When I lived in the old Castle, I did this regularly in the light summer months and could expect to cycle up to the Braids and outposts of the Edinburgh suburbs without encountering another vehicle or soul on the road.
I admit it was extra early, but worth the cock-a-doodle start to share the sunrise from on high with a road of rabbits.

Who knows, and certainly not I, whether I can summon up the energy to go early morning cycling again this year, before the rest of humanity has a chance to sully the environment.

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