Dogwood Puddle Pics

By dogwoodpuddle

Bike Repair 101

I'm a bicycle nut: maybe it's the slick feel of lycra spandex on me bum, maybe the
joy of skinned knees and the occassional shoulder separation, or the thrill of spiders in my face as I hurtle down single track. Maybe it's a marginal escape that subjugates that urge for the BMW RS 1100 motorcycle I lust after in Cycle World.


Tomorrow 5am we leave for Vermont on vacation (no blips till we're home / "love ya").
3am this morning I was rebuilding my bottom bracket and putting new chain rings on my crank as the old ones were so wallowed out that the chain jumped every time I pedaled up hill, resulting in multitudes of expletives and banged shins.

This blip is found art, I didn't rearrange a thing, just kicked some oily paper towels out of the frame. The lighting is the overhead flourescents in my basement.

I hope to have lots of pics when we get back.

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