Everyday Eigg

By EverydayEigg

Who will Dee dial first?

So, you lose your i-phone while walking the length of Eigg's Cleadale cliffs.

You return to Glasgow thinking - it was an old one.
Thinking - it’s quite nice to be without it.
Thinking - does this mean I can treat myself to a new one?

And then something extraordinary happens.

The iphone is found by an Eigg-man, out for a walk. On returning home, a google search of Eigg + missing iphone reveals a poem by Sweeney’s Bothy-meister Alec Finlay in Edinburgh.

Eigg-man calls Sweeney’s man who says – not my phone, but that of Dee, a good friend.

Dee who dwelt in Sweeney's Bothy for the first week of March 2014 - and lost her phone twelve months and one day since the (other) missing iphone poem was scribed.

Dee who walked the cliffs of Cleadale, who dropped her phone and dreamed of a new one. Who went back to Glasgow and worried about its non-degradable qualities.

But now the old phone’s back, dried out and working, with a telephonic tale of its three weeks atop Cleadale cliffs in wind, rain and hail.

So, when it finally gets back to Glasgow, who will Dee dial first?

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