
By KareBear


Coming in to work today, it struck me, not for the first time, what a Harry Potter sort of school this is. There are many similarities. No signs or tokens mark our place from the roads; you need to already know where you are going in order to arrive. The person in charge is not the Director or the Superintendent; he is the Headmaster. The building is old and a bit crumbly. Not all the staircases connect. The librarian is mad. (That's me, btw.)

But nowhere is the magic more apparent than in our cats. These five graymalkins sat still as statues and stared as I past. The great happiness of teaching here is the students. As I mused aloud about HP to a passing boy, he said, without missing a beat (in his second language, mind you), "This is why we are not allowed to enter the forest.." Yeah, right. I chuckled all the way to the library.

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