
By ElectricFish

A Country For Old Men

Love it that I took early retirement a few years ago and get to see views like this on most days... Great we had the hills and mountains more or less to ourselves today so could stop anywhere in the middle of the road and have no worry of being run over by day trippers running around like headless chickens to get somewhere to "relax"...
The day went extremely well.... Went on three walks and for the most part missed the heavy rain. What I miss most when I'm in Spain is the cloud cover that so enhances any skyline.
The tastings today went better than I could have hoped for....and I'm invited back... All thanks to a country mother who taught me to cook and bake by instinct... Have never used a recipe and could not give anybody a recipe that would make sense....as it would be some salt and a bit of garam masala and pan burst cumen....
Looking forward to my trip to West Cork at the weekend, the west coast of Ireland on Tuesday and then Spain the following week.... Will sorely miss days like today but normal service will resume before we know it.....just saying

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