Tash With A Flash

By TashWithAFlash

So it's been a rather appalling week for taking photos. My plan was, last Wednesday, to take photos of the lovely brioche I was making. Unfortunately it turned out not so lovely, actually really ugly. So much so it was only fit for bird food and bread and butter pudding. Went downhill from there. Being cooped up writing doesn't help. I could definitely write this thing faster, but I don't see the point in pushing myself.

Went out for lunch with Arron at the weekend to a nice pub just outside a nice village. The food was (guess what) nice. I think he chose better than me, simply because I'm fussy about roast dinners. Personally I hate gravy on my potatoes though have been told by many that this is the 'wrong' opinion!

Tried to take photos of the birds eating my 'not-so-lovely' brioche, but they were just too skittish. This squirrel was the only thing that sat still long enough.

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