A productive day

I’ve been to work with Ann this afternoon.

For those of you who don’t know; her very lovely boss Stephen, has fallen off a ladder and broken all the bones in his heel. He has to lie with his foot in the air for at least another week, so Ann is doing extra hours. Honestly some people will do anything to watch ‘Homes under the Hammer’ every day!!

Anyway, Ann came home at lunch time and said, ‘Molly would you like to come to work with me?’

Well actually I didn’t want to go to work with her. Going to work is no fun for a little collie like me. Going to work means that I walk there and back on my lead and don’t get any run about time. Also, I just have to lie down in the office and keep quiet. But the trouble with that is; Ann is always scooting back on her chair so I have to stay alert in case she runs me over??!!

Today Ann was very happy at work. There was no one else there this afternoon and she didn’t have to go out any where so she was able to get through loads of work. Also, she has got a whizzy new computer so she was well happy today. Ann likes to achieve things and for the last couple of weeks she’s just felt like she was running about like a headless chicken. Now she has an empty ‘in tray’ and is super duper organised for all everyone who is going to be demanding their invoices for the end of the financial year.

At 5pm she said, ‘Molly haven’t we had a lovely day?’

If I was clever enough to talk I would have said, ‘No we haven’t. Please take me for a run about on the beach’.

Next thing I know I’m having my lead clipped on me and we’re walking home. I was a bit cross so I woofed at a couple of buses on the way home. That only made Ann get angry with me.

And then look who we met............................ our friend Yvonne.

Yvonne is one of my most favourite people in the whole world, so I immediately sat down in front of her so that she could make a big fuss of me.

.............................I don’t mind being on my lead when I meet someone like Yvonne who makes lots of fuss of me.

And now Ann is going to make a chicken curry so I’m going to lie right next to the cooker. I know she’s feeling a bit guilty that I haven’t had my normal afternoon run about time so I know she’ll give me some little chicken titbits. YUM!!!

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