
By dunkyc


I was filling in for my boss at a Cumbria Chamber of Commerce thing this evening.

I won't lie, I wasn't really up for it. I could feel the lurgy coming on and a night spent in a tight fitting suit (dry cleaners shrunk it, honest) in a hot room didn't really appeal.

However, the chaps hosting the table are good company and being easily impressed by figures in the public eye, I was intrigued to hear what Vince Cable (guest speaker for the evening) had to say.

All in all it wasn't too bad and I found Cable a solid if unremarkable speaker. There was nothing that hadn't been said before, but as politicians go, I think he is one of the less irritating and actually speaks a lot of sense.

It was a good night and encouraging to see a large number of local businesses supporting the event.

I'm just hoping my next invite won't involve the compulsory wearing of a dinner suit!

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