This is my Kingdom

Had a trip to Brighton to meet a friend for a coffee during his lunch break.. We arranged to meet at Costa Coffee and he definitely said Churchill square so i waited outside Churchill square Costa... He was waiting outside Costa's over the road from Churchill square duhhh!!! Anyway one phone call later i walked to meet him and spent a delightful hour talking about the delights of national express travel in the 80's and why i wouldn't travel by coach for a long distance journey..
I dropped down to the seafront before i caught the bus home to take a pic and omg i had left my memory card at home... Thank goodness for the phone and it's camera!!
In other news my youngest sons girlfriend gave a speech on behalf of the Brighton feminist collective at a public debate against the criminalisation of sex workers in the house of commons this evening.. I love that girl!!!
It's after midnight and i need my sleep so night night sweet dreams....

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