Kipper Cabin

By KipperCabin

Door #1051

There's a shallow bowl of feline slimming cereal sat behind that door right there. But Cat's not entirely sure she's going for that door, not quite yet. No. There's still a few juicy blue tits skittering about in the laurels, just to her right. Not to mention some sort of house martin that appears to be building a nest directly above her nose, just up there in the corner of the eves!!

Do the birds not notice they'll only have us to deal with all summer?!

(Had a horrifying few moments with Cat and a robins nest on the deck in 2008. Cat has recovered. I have not.)

I've been confiscating the martin`s scraps of twigs and fluff for days. "No. Really. Just NO! Find another crevice, mate. Honestly!", thinks I. For days.

So, I get home tonight and there's Fred having piled all the fragments and fuzzy bits and pieces on top of the can crusher for the bird! And she's back at it!

Dear oh dear oh dear oh dear.

It'll end in tears, it will.

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