
By fifetourer

Images of Beauly

The Jolly Monk on the left,

Beauly Priory at top, Beauly Priory Monks of the reclusive Valliscaulian order founded this Priory in about 1230. Despite vows of poverty, the impressive church betrays the wealth and power they had aquired.
A beautiful place, the Priory's name comes from it's picturesque riverside setting.
Beau lieu means beautiful place in French, which Mary Queen of Scots supposedly later enforced. During a visit in 1564.
The monks were granted extensive fishing rights to the river, which provided both food and income.

A MHANACHAINN. the Gaelic name for Beauly means " place of the Monks" as well as Latin these buildings echoed with Gaelic the language spoken by local people at that time.

Pic 3 is a really old tree in the Priory grounds.

Historic Scotland.

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