Emma D's diary

By EmmaDrabble

At Cleavdon: Tiffins titbits......x

Dont you just love it when you get a little extra with your cup of tea? Its not like you asked for it, but thats what makes it all the sweeter.

You see my Dad is always fond of a good afternoon tea. Tiffins tea shop would have met his expectations. Firstly a good sea view. Well, in this case it was a view of the Severn Estuary but at least with the stunning victorian pier running up through it. I hasten to add that a similar pier may well be washed away in more challenging tidal places.

Secondly, ,my dad is partial to a 'good' scone. That is that it needs to have the right amount of fruit and not so much greasiness and preferably eating without butter! Although I didn't order a Tiffins high tea with scones, and judging from the attention to detail in their other areas, and packed tea room that they know how to make a good one.

I declined an offer of a Tiffins blanket to cover my knee, whist sitting outside, perhaps Dad might have agreed to that! (he he he !)

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