
By TynvdB

Swan Pair floating on the Morning River

On the Weser river between the Diemel joining and the harbour lock a pair of swans live. They are young. I couldn’t tell since when they float, swim and fly around the central turning of the river. I should ask Admirer to know more about their whereabouts and history. Here you see one of these changes Blip brought into my/our life. Since time immemorial Admirer has photographed, pardonnez moi, fed and photographed, her swans, where ever we are. - I will back-link you after this writing work is done...And of course, there is really nothing special about this: she walks to her pond, reports the latest news about many swans all in the neighbourhood. Sometimes I joined her to see her blipping one of her animals, interesting and very beautiful indeed! Most time I didn’t because of (“more important”) other things to do. And separately I admired her swan photo’s, afterwards.

Then she “helped” me starting this Blipjournal in Januari. And there I go at my morning exercise rounds and I see and meet the or ‘your’ swans. And even before making my first early morning blips at “The Pond” or the “Riverside” I would return home with some fresh morning news about...and greeting from...’your’ swans and others of course. But since I started to try to picture these swans...you know of course what is going to happen, change from that moment on. It comes out to be bl….difficult to get a decent picture of that always moving “dear”. I tried many mornings in The Hague and I tried, fed and tried to blip these wonderful birds. Never brought a fashionable picture home, these two and a half months. So what..not really interesting uh, I do the sea and riverscapes.

Now, here they come, ‘my?’ two young swan friends, curious to see if brought some bread..
These holy swans of course belong to nobody. They are neither yours or mine or anybody’s property. They are polite but savage. Since the early pre historic times these swans have brought deep inspiration to culture, mythology, literature, music, dance and art. And they have suffered that cruel history of being turned into objects of exploitation and destruction under man’s domination of Nature and its elements.

Here I rediscover a hidden treasure in half forgotten memories, past activities and of a new perspective to reconnect all this in small stories about the “meaning” of swans in Greek Mythology, art and music. Their curiosity transforms itself into a renewal of deep wonder what their waterdance will tell and learn me to see closer in the time to come.
A lot of new things there. But first I want to thank Willemien (Admirer) here, who patiently nudged me into this adventure of rediscovering much more than only the daily Blip.

Look this amazing mysterious light in which these wonderful beings float on the morning river.

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