Crazy day


Brunch at ex-neigbour's house.

Birthday party for both kids - the invite read "sugar will be provided for the kids therefore alcohol will be provided for the adults!" The above blip is Dex having a go at Piñata which is really popular over here and my two love it.

We then had to leave that party early in order to rush Olivia to another birthday party which was at a Sports' Hall. Olivia took one look at the birthday cake, which really was incredible and was so nearly my blip, and said: "It's much better than your cakes Mummy." That's it darling, don't hold back. Say what you think. I did, however, completely agree with her!

So, we left the house at 9am and returned home after 5pm. I'm looking forward to the day when we don't have any plans for a weekend as we still have boxes to unpack!

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