the colour green

By jukeys

mum at the river

Went into Nyons this morning to try and sort mine and Pierre's Cartes Vitales.

Called in at the mairie too to ask about the first of May. It's a holiday here and everyone buys lily of the valley for their close ones. Pierre's aunt is a florist and is going to get some extra "muguet" (as it's called here) for us and we're gonna set up our own wee stall for the day. We wanted to double check the law with the mairie in Nyons; basically, you can set up in any public place you fancy on the 1st of May to sell muguet and you don't need a permit or licence or any other formal documentation. Pierre thought as much but at least we know for sure now. Roll on the premier mai!

Did some washing, planted more seeds (started this year's seeds on Tuesday - a bit later than normal for me!), made peppermint slice (to bring to Marseille this weekend) and cannelloni for tea.

In the middle of all of that, mum came round for a bit. We had a really nice walk down the river with Coquine. The weather was lovely and it was good to have a chat.

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