I Got your Back!

It was nice to head for home and not have to think about uni tonight, with the evenings starting to stretch the twins asked if we could go for a walk. It quickly became apparent that Hoddit & Doddit had hatched a cunning Bladrick like plan....

Leaving the house they ran up the lane and hung a right, I dint think much of it as they raced away, I followed content just to walk behind; right again and I now had an inkling they were intent on diverting me to the park, I played dumb, which I do very well and sure enough a few minutes later the shout came "can we go to the park" I feigned horror and smiled as the excitement spread across their little faces, how I love to see them smile.

Once across the final road they raced to the play equipment and when I arrived they were sitting back to back driving this large rope swing higher and higher. It seemed to sum them up, so close, so protective of each other, a bond maybe only twins share perhaps. I rattled off a few shots and after a quick go round of all the pieces of equipment they reluctantly came away as we headed for home as the light began to slip away.

Just a little snap tonight, nothing profound just a memory for the future, a little moment in time of my wondrous little people....

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