
By Drolldums

Fracking? Next, please

Simon Wolfson claimed on BBC Question Time last night that the solution to our energy needs is Fracking (yet he invests in Tokamak Solutions UK Limited, which he describes as being focused on fusion research).

Fracked gas'll be neither clean, nor a solution for Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW), nor cheap. UK fracked gas prices will reflect the prices on the open market in Europe (and should Putin decide to restrict Russian gas supplies for geopolitical reasons, a not unreasonable assumption as he has done so in the past, then the world price of gas, and therefore the price of British fracked gas, will rise as well).

We've been researching commercial nuclear fusion for over fifty years. I'm sure it will one day prove feasible but why waste so much time and money now?

We already have a working nuclear fusion reactor. It's safely located 93 million miles away. It's called the Sun. And we haven't even had to fork out to buy it (nor do we have to maintain it, nor will we have to pay the clean-up costs associated with the ownership of nuclear fission reactors. Cleaning up Sellafield is already projected to cost £70 Billion!).

Wind turbines are not low tech. They are the smart way of harvesting nuclear fusion power...

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