Jessie Tree

By jessietree


My little runt of a child has learnt how to take her expensive Clarks shoes off.
She does this far too often.
I am surprised that I still have two of them.
I decided to pop into Clarks today to have a look for any other shoes without velcro.
Turns out the reason she has been taking her shoes off is that they are 2 sizes too small.
Sorry Daisy.
So we bought these today and she will not take them off!
She has been running about the house squealing "suuuuuuueees' all afternoon.
Bad mother.
Good `mother will inform the rest of you out there that Clarks have got a major sale on kids shoes. These were meant to be £26 but we got them for £8!

So if your kid limps a bit or cries when you put there shoes on... get their feet measured, its free!

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