Best of a bad job

Yesterday was horribly uninspiring. It chucked it down with rain, and was feeling dark by lunchtime. I wanted to take a photo of a new sculpture in town but it still had barriers around it and the rain was too bad so I went inside the new shopping centre.

It was packed and the light was awful so the only way to save this blip was to funk it right up with posterize. I quite like the result although it wasn't what I was after by any means.

I've lost the lens cap on the 50mm and that is my standard lens for carrying the DSLR about, it is small enough to not feel too heavy in my bag when I have other stuff to carry too. My missed blips over the last few days have largely been due to losing the lens cap so I need to replace it asap. I won't buy a compact because I will get lazy with it I know...

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