
By acr83

What was that?!

I was relaxing on the couch today with the door open and I heard a huge crash followed by a kid crying. This happens all the time by our place because we have a park and alleyway boundary. Generally I ignore it because parents aren't too far away but today the crying got more and more distressed. I ran out and looked over the fence to see a wee boy probably about 5 all by himself in a heap under his bike. I asked him if he needed help and he sort of sobbed/nodded yes. I ran down to the lowest part of the fence and scaled it barefoot and pregnant (cliche?). The poor wee man had clearly got a very long way ahead of him mum. I had time to inspect his grazed knee, get his name (Bailey), ask him which direction his mum would be coming from, get his bike upright and walk him back to the street before we found her. She hadn't even heard the crash or the crying.
He was very cute when I left him to hop the fence again. He called out thank you which prompted his mum to say 'oh yes, thank you'. It doesn't usually happen that way around.

I feel good about my good deed today. And I'm glad something exciting happened because most of the rest of the day was spent on top secret projects which can't be photographed ;)

** and FYI I took the photo after I helped him.

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