
By stephenmarsh3

Stop your babbling.

This afternoon we went for a walk through the forest at Springs Farm, up to Castlerigg and back down by Manor Brow. By the time I'd gotten round the corner from the house, I knew the walk was a bad idea. My feet and legs were aching even then. I've been doing a lot of work on the old legs in the gym lately, in preparation for the busy season when I spend hours a day going up and down stairs. I've probably overdone it a little because although it wasn't a long walk, I'm really feeling it. On the way up the hill, I stopped at a stream to take this. Luckily the wee Olympus has a built in ND filter to slow the shutter down. Not too shabby for a hand held shot. I should remember to take my little Gorilla tripod with me.

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