
By Carscribe

Cherry blossom time

What a beautiful day! Hard to believe that we had to scrape ice off the cars two days ago. Popped out this afternoon to see a friend, and as I walked down the road I noticed that these first few buds are bursting into bloom on our cherry tree. What a beautiful sight.

I have always loved vibrant pink cherry blossom. It reminds me of childhood. A house my family lived in when I was small was next door to two glorious cherry trees in the neighbouring garden. My father used to grumble about how short-lived the blossom was and what a mess it made when it dropped, but my mother, sister and I adored it as a bright splash of spring.

Clocks forward tonight, new season tomorrow. We have William Willett, a local man, to thank for Daylight Saving being introduced in 1916. An early morning horse ride he made through the woods near here - when he observed how many shutters were down and people still asleep when it was already light outside - was what inspired him to propose changing the clocks twice a year. He campaigned hard for it, but sadly died before seeing his idea adopted. Wouldn't he have been proud to know we're still honouring his plan almost a century later?

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