A little sunshine on a rainy day

After a very relaxing couple of days at the spa, my sister and I checked out of the hotel this morning and head over to Starbucks for some coffee and breakfast. By the time we left, it was not just raining, it was pouring down buckets of rain.
I had driven to my sister’s house on the way to the spa and she drove us to the hotel. Therefore, after breakfast we were driving her car back when the skies opened up. Unfortunately, my sister has a broken wiper blade on the passenger’s side of the car and the entire ride looked like this from my vantage point.
I was happy to get back into my car once we arrived at her house so that I could see out the windshield. There is something about the motion of the car and not being able to see well that make me feel a bit carsick. I used to get carsick all the time when I was young from sitting in the backseat of the car and not being able to see out the front window. I was having a bit of a flashback to my childhood for a while.
Anyway, I’m home now and was in need of a blip. The brightest thing I could find was a bunch of fresh lemons. I enhanced it to make it more interesting and resemble a painting.

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