
By Thepainterswife

Shakey Sunday...

I was sitting reading yesterdays paper, Dave was in the shower and Ella was still in bed being lazy, when we had a 4 magnitude earthquake hit us here in Christchurch this morning....I had just read on the internet that L. A had had one too and so was thinking of them and feeling for the people there even though there were no reports of injuries I know the feeling of shock they would be experiencing.

We haven't had any shakes for so long, and this one today was loud, strong and rolled in for quite a while, enough for us to yell to each other!
No damage or anything, just enough to make my heart race and my nerves to be on edge for the rest of the day! That is the annoying thing...
I didn't venture to far away from home after that, we have pottered around here, although Dave did go for a kayak over in the harbour, and then came home and got stuck in to tidying up the garage which pleased me, it has become a dumping ground for his paint lately and my car has lost its home...

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