Rillito Race Park is an historic track. It’s the birthplace of Quarter Horse racing, as well as, the photo finish. Plus it’s on the National Register of Historic Places.

She’s seen better days. In desperate need of a face lift or a coat of paint. I personally find her semi-dilapidated state part of her charm. As do the thousands who flock to the track each weekend for six weeks out of the year.

But her future is uncertain. You see, she sits on a piece of valuable land. Now developers want to turn it into a world class soccer venue. Over the years they’ve tried different techniques to bring her down, and I’m afraid they’ve finally won

Her stables have been condemned and must be rebuilt. OK she can survive this and squeak out enough money to build new ones. But there’s talk of tearing down the grand stands, and that would be the end of her,

So it’s limbo for now. I’m hoping she’ll survive. Because I’ll miss : the adrenalin rush, the fans cheering in English and Spanish. the quirky track goers who always make me laugh, and of course I’d miss being covered in dirt. Who wouldn’t?

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