
By faithfuljune

Drama day

So... I guess keeping every day as busy as possible, including weekends is my daily object now? XD

This Saturday happens to be a day of dramas.

I actually didn't get much time in bed last night, for attending a film sharing event early next morning. The movie, The Way We Dance is a surprising hit last year in Hong Kong, a really huge hit. It is about a bunch of street dancing youngsters worked so hard to pursue dreams. It was a very fresh theme in nowadays Hong Kong. Apart from the fact that the story resonates me a lot, it is a very inspiring and joyfully energetic film. Afterwards, I got some chances to have the director and leading actors sharing their thoughts and experience during the film production. It is, indeed, far more inspiring, not even less dramatic than the brilliant play.

"To produce a very local flavored and culturally-oriented good film in Hong Kong now is quite hard. But films have anima. I have to say again, films have souls. To produce a good film for Hong Kong people, it takes heart and perseverance." Adam Wong, director of the film, says.

The film is so good, as I thought so. Therefore I got an DVD for later review. I secretly wish the stories in the screen as well as behind the screen could keep reminding me of the "dance-hard-as-I-dream-hard" spirit: "So how far are you willing to go for...."

Later the evening, my friends and I went to drama play, Lady Macbeth.(The pic of today is shot at the end of this play)

Hmmmm...That's a classic by Shakespear. This time, Perry Chiu, the noted actress as well as the art director of the drama production, adapts the male-centered play into a female angle with musical elements singing in Cantonese.

That play, how to put it more precisely, not bad. The depict of Lady Macbeth, how she grew up in a scheme and how she instigate the brutal slaughter for power, is intensive and meticulous. Yet, the singing part and the casts could be better.

So it calls my "dramatic" Saturday.

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