Wine,Women & Song

By CelloNerd

Want to Meet New People?

For those interested in meeting new people live and up close without cell phones, iPads, computers, and Facebook as buffers, here's one approach - put out a sign!

Today, on our way home from the Whatcom Conservation District's native plant sale, we stopped at our local Barnes and Noble to relax with a copy of the New York Times and some coffee. Seated across from us, wearing headphones and engrossed in his laptop was a young man with a sign posted on his table: "Want to meet new people! Come chat".

We lingered in the coffee shop, for close to an hour, and never saw anyone stop to chat, so as we prepared to leave, I wandered over and introduced myself, and commented on what a grand idea his sign was. He explained that nobody had come over yet (I was the first), and he truly was just trying to meet some new people. I introduced him to blipfoto (he checked out the website right there and then) and I asked if he'd mind being photographed for my blip post. He was a delightfully charming and articulate young man. We wished each other well, and I was soon on my way.

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