Wedding Wheels and Drug Dealer Tactics

Eva and I used a DS21 as transportation for our wedding, so when I discovered that our local newsagent offered a DS21 1/8 scale model, I got all excited. This is a subscription system where they deliver one set of parts every week. The first delivery was EUR 1.99, so a quick calculation, believing that this would be a two month ordeal, it all added up to EUR 15.92. What a bargain!

The next delivery had gone up to EUR 2.99, but I still thought that this was fine. It was only on the fifth delivery when the unit price had reached EUR 9.99 that I asked for explanations. My friend at the newsagent told me that this was normal, but agreed that they had taken me for a ride. Only when I asked for how many weekly deliveries were left, so that I could start the assembly work, did I understand the scope of the ride I had been taken for. The answer was, 2 years (104 weeks)... You do the maths! (What you see here is a small scale "bonus" model to soothe the subscribers' nerves. The real thing is still some 18 months away).

Now, I was wondering if there was any parallels to be drawn with the wedding itself? The answer is a crystal clear NO, and Eva loves me so much that she even looks at my blips.

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