Fresh air

Cycled back and forth to school with Campbell today.

The morning trip was exhilarating, cold and crisp with a nice wee force 6 blowing to make it a lot tougher than we would have liked. But despite the weather fighting us it was great to be out in daylight.

The afternoon trip was hard going. Every breath felt like a lung full of ice crystals and the cold wind stripped the heat from the top layers skin. Fading light made it ridiculous to be wearing wrapround sunglasses but it was either that or have tears pouring over my face.

I think it will be the last time this year we'll be doing the school cycle run as it's getting too dark by hometime and I would need to dig out the lights. Nothing to do with the fact that I'm a woos and like the company of my car's heater... no, no...wouldn't be that.

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