Kipper Cabin

By KipperCabin

Torch lit

I was in the garden all day, up to my knees in it. Here's a list of everything I did ...

1. HAA! Just kidding!

I'll spare you the excruciating details.

No I won't ... I only cut a forty year old laurel down all by myself! I did! It was seriously encroaching on the barbeque, not to mention next doors kayak workshop.

I've watched those nature programs about beavers in the wild, I have. I know which side to cut so the tree falls over right where you want it to, I do.

No, I don't.

It was a rather large "shrub". Forty years large. As I'm past climbing trees with a chain saw slung over my shoulder, I went at it from the base with a rusty hack saw I came across in the garage, likely left behind by the previous Lady Kipper.

Despite the trunk being rather fresh and meaty, I did manage to hack a V into the fall side with the loss of only one finger. Just as I was sucking on the delicious blood (with my eyes closed) there came an almighty CRACK! And a bit of a shuffling noise as the branches rustled down the wrong way.

I was only pinned down long enough for photos to be posted on the internet.

Anyway, Camelia. It was dark by the time I recovered enough to blip, so I went with my favoured lighting method ... large torch clenched in my underarm, camera held up in right hand, stick in left hand pushing all the unnecessary bits out of frame.

Strangely, it appears to be rather more in focus than usual.

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