
By Grimsayer

What on earth...

.. is my blip today I hear you ask?!
Well I am proud of it for two reasons. Firstly it is an archaeological site that had not been recorded anywhere before that Tricia and I stumbled upon when surveying the area opposite our house. It isn't a small pile of stones but is some circular structure about 7m in diameter with walls a metre thick into which has been built a linear feature - probably a shieling. Often buildings here are recycled as they provide an easy source of stone. You can see the circular wall in this photo on the right and the linear feature on the left. In places the remaining walls are still over a metre tall.
Secondly this was taken from 4m up in the air using a contraption I had put together from a bird ringing pole and a telescope tripod and to my mind was reasonably successful. In the bottom middle if you know what you are looking for you can see my arms and feet!
Notice feet in sandals and wearing shorts today as it has been so mild. Even managed to eat my breakfast outside to the sound of baaing lambs. Spring.

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