Desert Squirrel

By PolS

Amanita muscaria

I think I mentioned a few days ago, that after the rain, lots of fungi were pushing through the mulch and litter in our garden, and that this was unusual in our normally dry climate. I left it a little late to go out with my camera, as most of the more interesting fungi are now past their best (it has dried out this last week since we've been home), so I've selected a specimen of the most common species for my blip today, the spectacular red-capped Amanita muscaria. I don't remember seeing it our garden before now, though.

I have also been working on the pics I took while I was away, and have posted some here. I'm mentioning this because I won't have time to back blip the days I've been away. I will add a couple more posts with images from the coast and kauri forest in Northland over the next couple of weeks.

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