
By Houseonahill6

Good Morning, Good Morning

A quick trip to the doctors for my monthly blood test. In on time and out really quickly so a walk round Fortrose before going to the Co op to pick up some Easter bits and bobs for Brownies tonight.
I was hoping that the bank of daffodils would all be out near the church but some are still in tight bud so will be a few days yet before it is a mass of yellow.
It was raining so not the best light to take photos although I rather liked an old brick wall with a bricked up window with a wonderful mauve aubretia tumbling over the top.
However whilst drinking my tea who should pop out in the daylight but one of the Pine marten. Luckily it stayed for a few minutes feeding on the seeds before popping back under the decking. If you could see the look on the face of the birds, I'm sure they have expressions, as they spotted him it was quite comical. Some were brave enough to nip in quickly before they were spotted.

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