Maid in Wales

By welshmaid50

Birds of a Feather.

Breaking news. We had a decent nights sleep, at last. I had to set the alarm for 7 0'clock, as Jan, (my hairdresser ) was due at 9. I really didn't feel like having my hair done, but now that's its all over, i do feel , and look, a bit better. After she had left we had to go to the library to take two of J's books back. We came home and had some lunch. While i was dusting in the bedroom i saw my little Dunnock ( at least i think they are ) at the feeder. I rushed out with my camera, and managed to take a few photos. The weather has been really nice and sunny today. I think we are at last on the mend.Best viewed LARGE and check out the smaller birds claw.

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