
By cowgirl

Time ...

... flies when you're having fun! I kept meaning to take a photo of something that I did today and ended up popping outside as Sav was dishing up the dinner.

I didn't even photograph ex fellow blippers Sue and Roy when I met them for coffee this morning, or the hanging baskets and containers that I made up this afternoon. The weather was so lovely it was nice to be out in the sunshine that I bought some baby plants and compost which was enough for two baskets and three containers, but that's academic as I neglected to photograph my achievements when they were all arranged together, and anyway the plants are very small and green. Maybe when they're in flower ...

Inbetween times I'm still trying to get the previous solicitor to talk to us and also my god daughter and her hubby, who's birthday it is today. We were going to go over and cook for them ( not the solicitor! ) but some 3 hours later I haven't heard from them either, so we've eaten here. Not sure what to do with the brownies I've made him ....

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