A Glimpse At Who I Am!

By georgexx

An Early Evening Run!

I've been for a good run tonight! I think I prefer the evening actually! It's a good opportunity to reflect on the day! I managed 26mins without stopping which I was impressed with as I haven't been for a run in a couple of weeks!

In a moment of madness (drunken!) I foolishly agreed to run this years Cheltenham half marathon in September! I had hoped my mother in law had forgot as she was also rather bit merry but she didn't and today we registered! I've just spent £30 I don't really have to do it so I had better get myself organised!

Tonight I am writing a training plan and going to spend the evening online looking at half marathon training tips! I probably shouldn't admit that I'm doing it with a glass of wine and a Cadburys creme egg in hand!

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