
By MariJ

Snowing again

Today morning I was wondering what to do. My husband suggestedthat I should go to playground with our son. In that precise minute when I thought that it would be nice to have mommy/playmates, one of my friends texted me and asked us out for a playdate at bearby playground where you can find swings, slides and monkey bars. What a coincidence! We were happy to join them! I was such in a hurry that I forgot my camera.. Playground was on Sammonlahti beach and we were listening funny rumbling and noise coming from the ice of lake Saimaa. I have never heard anything like that before - it was like the icesong.
You can hear it when air temperature changes and cracks split on melting ice.
After that we ate and while my son was sleeping his nap I finally unpacked our luggage and took this photo of snowflakes falling down.
Today was also my BJJ-wrestling day and I got my new Gi - it's white!

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