
By bgleyna

The Soul's Garment

The Soul's Garment

Great Nature clothes the soul, which is thin,
With fleshly garments, which the Fates do spin;
And when these garments are grown old and bare, With sickness torn, Death takes them off with care,
And folds them up in peace and quiet rest,
And lays them safe within an earthly chest:
Then scours them well and makes them sweet and clean,
Fit for the soul to wear those clothes again.

Margaret Cavendish

Well this is not a picture of a soul, but still, it is divested of it's "fleshly garments" and it's the best I could do as I've been travelling all day by car and plane! We are about to start the last leg of our journey now and will be in England tomorrow morning.

This poem, as many these Lenten poems have done, makes me think of my Mum. Her "fleshly garments" had "grown old and bare" and "with sickness torn". It gives me joy that one day I will see her clothed again with garments "sweet and clean".

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