
By WhatTheJules


My wheatgrass sprouted!
These pots sit in a tray over the betta tank. I feed the fish, the fish fertilize the plants. The plants take in the nourishment thereby cleaning the tank. The wheatgrass (or any plant) grows and I put the wheatgrass in my smoothies and salads.
Then we start again.
One can cut the wheatgrass without killing it so it continues to grow for several cuttings before you have to replant.
Best of all is not cleaning the tank.
There is a product that attaches to the fertilizer to make it easier for the roots to take in that you may add monthly to keep the tank from smelling like a tide pool (kind of sludgy) but other than that I can expect zero to minimal work!

Unfair! This sat in the queue unable to upload from the 31st and now it's tagged the 1st! Boooo!

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