Marquicks by the Sea

By KarenMarquick

Daisy for Daddy

I'm still feeling a little under the weather, although ibuprofen is starting to ease the pain in my knee. However, this morning I drove hubby to the hospital for an x-ray on his right hip. Apparently the x-ray was to measure his hip joint ready for the correct size replacement. He's starting to get nervous about the hip replacement now.

I picked Oliver up from preschool at 11.45am and brought him home for lunch, before going out again to pick Isabella up from nursery at 1pm. On the way home from nursery she picked a daisy "for Daddy" she said.

Sure enough when we came in the house she ran upstairs to present Daddy with the daisy, slightly squashed from being clasped in the palm of her hand all the way home.

Here's the daisy for Daddy.

Post script: Isabella announced to me just moments after I posted my blip "I've eaten Daddy's daisy". She has indeed eaten the daisy and reported to Daddy that it tasted like mince. The mind boggles!!

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