
By IntothewildMan

A modest contribution to global warming

My neighbour G came to help me in the garden for a few hours today. I asked him to cut up the branches of the dead walnut tree with the chainsaw. I am hoping sooner or later to ask G if I can take a photo or two of him. He is a great bloke to work with and he is as shy as a fox. I don’t want to make him feel uncomfortable so I am waiting till I know him better.
We saved the walnut logs for the woodburner but there were a lot of smaller branches. Along with a dead privet tree which I cut down later, we made a large bonfire. The wood was so dry it took very easily and the flames rose to about ten feet in the air.
Jess stayed after school for biology revision because she has exams in May. Time to make her a pizza and then I will relax and have a beer. Hasta la vista.

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