Tomasz K

By tomasz

View of Stäfa

This time from my living room and with a tripod :-)
Actually you have to get up and go to the window to see the view, but that's okay, I can deal with it.

The last week or so have been hectic with my move only last saturday. Been rather tied up and elsewhere with my mind so not much hunting for a decent Blip.

I managed to get out for two hours on my Bike again and cycled through the chain of forests and along the the ridges of the hills that go down to the lake if you wanted to. The paths are beautiful and varied so I have already found my "regimental" course of fitness. Still need to loose a good 8-9 kg and I've only just started :)

Again sorry for also not really following Blip lately. Yesterdays attempt wasn't even worth posting so I didn't. There are some beautiful spots here and I look forward to sharing them. Until then I'll be taking them in and blipping them when I'm ready :)

If you have read this far, then you deserve to see this in Large ;-)

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